Tuesday, September 12, 2017

Silver Standard

 Players who average 12.5 or more

Chris  7
Eric  7
JR  6
Scott  6
Todd  6
Derek 5
Andy 5
Trevor  4
Nathan  4
Brandon 4
 Matt  3

 Brian  2

The Silver Standard, that is what I like to call guys who average 12.5 a game. That number is important to me because 12.5 times 16 game season is 200 fantasy points on the year. Let me show you how many Silver Standards there are in each position last season.

QBs = 28
RBs = 23
WRs = 28
TEs = 3
Def = 15
Kicker = 0

The best kicker last year only averaged 11 points per game. And the QBs were mostly over 300 on the season. Actually 24/28 were over 300 fantasy points on the season. So lets take the QBs out of this Silver Standard list. That leaves 69 from last season. Divide that by number of teams in are league and you get a average of 5.75.... So the Silver Standard for each team would be just below 6. In Week 1 this year we had 105 but i am not going to be counting QBs in my Silver Standard. But just food for thought. 12/23 QBs that scored 12.5 or more were un owned in Week 1. 

Not counting QBs there are 59 guys in week 1 who were owned who qualified for silver standard. That's a average of just below 5 per team. 

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